Custom designer, unlimited supplier view / edit fields, map services for evaluation & compare / benchmark. Chat forum, bid alerts, notes, shared documents, unlimited users, no supplier fee.
RateBoard is a great benchmarking tool. You have a pool of capable Trade & service providers but you want visibility to compare their rates. Tenders are too slow, and catalogues don’t give you the live controls you need.
RateBoard makes rate benchmarking for trades and services as easy as accessing a web page. You simply create a RateBoard for plumbing, electrical services, shop fit outs, rental equipment etc, map the rates you want to track such as standard hourly rates, call out fees, 24×7 fee,
public holidays, then map the skills you need such as: post code coverage, skill maps and mobile plant capabilities. Invite your suppliers to bid then sit back and enjoy national and regional rate benchmarking.
RateBoard allows suppliers to feed in price and base capability so you have a current benchmarked view. RateBoard is smart, it comes with a Chat Forum, shared documents for suppliers, and a KPI engine for scheduled rate reviews.
As updates occur, history is tracked and your team is alerted, in addition you can link in CPI controls and let the system automatically track and control CPI movements negotiated with suppliers.
Fully automated, RateBoard never closes and when new suppliers knock on your door, you don’t have to say “next year”, you say “show me now”, a single click streams new rate benchmarking data to you in real time